Become a follower of Jesus

Did you know you were created to have a relationship with God? What happened? Man was created in God's image. (Genesis 1:26-27) In the Garden of Eden at the beginning, Adam was able to clearly communicate (both speaking and hearing) and relate to God. After Adam and Eve disobeyed Gods command, not to eat from the tree of good and evil, spiritual death entered the world and mankind was separated from God. This separation by disobedience on Adam and Eve was also transferred to their children and to all people born after that. The separation included a loss of that intimate relationship where people could easily hear God’s communication with them and from them without any barrier. On top of being born into a separated relationship with God (often referred to as sin or a sin nature), we also have chosen not the obey His commands, and the result is further separation from Him. Bible says sin, defined as the separation we are born into and strengthened in our lives by choosing our own ways and ideas over His expectations as creator, separates us from God. (Isaiah 59:2)

This leaves us alone, with a big God shaped whole in our heart as we were created to be in relationship with Him. Another way to think about it is a puzzle missing the one important piece that completes it. Without God, we are not complete. The only piece that can finish and fulfill us individually is a relationship with God to complete the picture of our life as it was designed to look. A relationship with God is also a protection for us from our own bad choices and temptations from the world and the enemy of God. Without His protection we have also come under the bondage of this world's false ruler, Satan, who has declared himself to be an enemy of God by his own rebellion and disobedience. On our own there is nothing we can do to regain our relationship with God. We are stuck in a cycle of sin. The shame within us because of separation caused by sin is not how we were made to exist. This shame is expressed in many ways but can cause people to act angry, constantly rebellious, or arrogant to the point that that person is the only important thing in their life at the expense of all others. But God made a way through His son Jesus for us to break from the chains of bondage, reconnect us in relationship with Him, and be forgiven of our selfishness.

Over two thousand years ago, God sent His son into the world to help restore our relationship with himself. His Son Jesus coming is what Christian believers celebrate at Christmas. Jesus died in our place, sacrificing His life to redeem us to restore the loss of relationship. We can now, once again, communicate with God our Father, who created us. He offers us forgiveness and reconnection as a free gift, but we must accept it by faith. We do this as we become aware of and are convicted of our sin and chose to turn to Him for forgiveness of our sin. Our relationship with God is restored as we allow Him to guide and direct our life.

When we surrender our life to Him, we are forgiven, and relationship is restored. We can now receive the gift of His indwelling Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is the promise of God to live with us and in us. Through God the Holy Spirit, we can hear His voice and say ‘Yes’ to His commands. 1 John 5:11,12 And this is that testimony: God has given us eternal life, and this life is in His Son. Whoever has the Son has life; whoever does not have the Son of God does not have life.

The Kingdom of God is planted in us, the Kingdom starts to grow as we are committed to following Jesus and learning His ways (Psalm 86:11). What could be better than to have a relationship with the one who created the universe, knows you intimately, and loves you completely. We were designed to have a divine relationship, even a covenant relationship, in fact a relationship so intimate with God and His presence that He describes it like a romance with Him as we are prepared to be His spotless bride. Follow Jesus now, He is calling for you to come and say ‘Yes’ to His Kingdom. If you just made this commitment, take the next step find a Bible believing church and get baptized. Baptism is a public declaration that we have a restored relationship with God through His Son Jesus and are committed to obey Him as our God. It is also important to seek out like minded disciples of Jesus who also obey His commands through their relationship with Him and in agreement with the Bible (His word). If you would like help finding Christian believers in your area, please contact us and we will help you any way we can.